Social media: Consumers’ preferred method to communicate with a company

From data-driven targeted advertising to user-generated content the evolution of social media has delivered huge opportunities for retailers to influence their customers buying decisions.

In our report ‘Individuality and Influence: The Customer is in Control’, 63% of our survey respondents said their preferred method to interact with companies was through their social media platforms. The power of social media for retailers to interact with customers has never been greater.

One area where social media can be leveraged to influence customer buying decisions is recommendation. According to Podium, 82% of purchase decisions are influenced by a recommendation. User-generated content, in the form of video, images and audio turn consumers into influencers. Encouraging and promoting this content across your channels will act as recommendation to other consumers. It is self-perpetuating.

Social media has the power to create highly engaging, personalised campaigns using data to target customers with content that is relevant to their circumstances and experience. Tailored advertising messages are more worthwhile and less intrusive.

Juan Manuel Hermoso, Solution Management Director at Motivait, said: “Bring back the emotional aspect, make me feel that I am really special, because that’s what will make me go back and shop there.”

For more on the power of social media, as well as chatbots and omnichannel strategies, on customer behaviour in retail read our report at

Echo-U has produced a report called ‘Individuality and Influence: The Customer is in Control’ which highlights the power of social media on customer behaviour. It is available to download from the Echo-U website HERE.